Tom Is producing my audiobook for BURNING WOMAN, Memoirs of an Elder. We’re in a makeshift sound studio in his office. I’m wearing headphones, reading into a microphone. Beginning on page 21, I hear my words spoken in a deep, resonant voice as it they’re bouncing off...
Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making plans. —John Lennon We slid our two-person kayak into Drake’s Estero and, one at a time, edged into our seats butt first, as if getting into a buoyant sports car, myself in front and Tom in back. Early morning fog,...
I flipped my appointment book back to March 16, 2020. The page is covered in red ink circling the names of clients I needed to contact to schedule virtual sessions. Scrawled across the week’s calendar in purple highlighter is “COVID. I started with phone...
The call came in the middle of a therapy session. I let it go to voicemail. When I played back the message, a woman’s somber voice said, “Hello Sharon…I’m a friend of Helen’s. Her dementia has gotten worse. She’s unable to care for herself and has been...
Baking was a ritual I started after becoming housebound. I wasn’t alone. Remember early in the shut down when there were no bags of flour on grocery store shelves, no baking powder, and no yeast? In the olden days, when my children were young and money was scarce, I’d...
It’s 12:50 on a Monday and there’s not enough time. I am not even sure what I’m late for. But, I can feel my heart beating rapidly and a fluttering sensation in my chest. The image of a heart with wings comes to mind, but my heart doesn’t feel like it’s taking...
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